Wednesday, June 5, at 6 p.m. Center for Nonviolence Board meeting. Please call the Center for more information at 559-237-3223  Mon-Fri 11-3.

Sunday, June 9 at 4 p.m. at the College Community Congregational Church, 5550 N. Fresno (between Bullard and Barstow). the Center for Nonviolence will celebrate its 21st Anniversary.  It is a potluck so bring a dish to share. There will be entertainment by Fresno’s Rock n’Roll Choir “Hearts on Fire” and our Way of Peace Awards. This year we have chosen Bev Fitzpatrick, Karen Goodman; Oday Guerrero (youth); Reedley Peace Center (organization).  For more information call 559-237-3223.

Wednesday, June 12 on KFCF 88.1 FM – 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. Host Richard Stone talks to Betty Cornelisen Chairperson of the Alluvial Community Garden where people learn about growing vegetables and good nutrition. They hope that their garden will serve as a model for other neighborhoods in the Central Valley of California whose families have difficulty affording fresh produce. Call ins are welcome at 559-266-8888.  For more information call 559-237-3223.

Wednesday, June 12 at 12 noon and at 7 p.m. (potluck at 6:30) Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness (SE corner Van Ness and McKinley).  The Center’s 2nd Wednesday Video will be :Forks Over Knives” a documentary in which Lee Fulkerson enacts a mirror image of the journey taken by Morgan Spurlock in “Supersize Me.”  Instead of eating only at McDonald’s for a month and nearly killing himself, he eats a plant-based whole food diet for six months, gets off all of his cholesterol and blood pressure medications, drops a lot of weight, sleeps better and has more energy.  His film follows three other sick people: one with breast cancer, one given less than a year to live because of heart problems, one with murderously high cholesterol. All are well again after the vegetarian diet. The movie opens with a warning that no one should take such steps without consulting a physician, and I quite agree; I would not have depended on nutrition to cure my cancer, but I’m convinced that I would always have been healthier if I’d eaten correctly.  The film hammers us with information. It centers on the work of famed nutritionists Dr. T. Colin Campbell of Cornell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic. Campbell conducted the awesome China-Oxford-Cor­­nell study, which fol­lowed millions of Chinese over decades and found that increases in their incidence of cancer and heart disease directly paralleled their adoption of a Western diet.  This video is 90 minutes. Wheelchair accessible and free to the public.  Call us at 559-237-3223 Mon-Fri 11-3 for more information.

A reminder here: we are always glad to accept items that Gioia Frank (a Center volunteer) can sell on eBay or Etsy.  Gioia tells us that she hasn’t received any for a long time.  Yard sale items are great too as she can sell them in the Clovis Yard Sale thus avoiding packaging and shipping.  Contact her at


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