I’m hoping this will work!  Look at the photos I took on Saturday, mostly of children, but some adults too, coloring butterflies.  Believe we have found some future artists!

AngelaYou think we can join in Will you show me how This is my butterfly #2 This is my butterfly Think my butterfly is better than my sisters So proud of my artwork So I can do a butterfly as well Recycling artists coloring butterflies Raging Grannie Edith Johnson Persuaded Pat Wolk to color a butterfly Pedro and son Now which color should I choose My butterfly looks great Look at my butterfly Kyla and Marcus choosing colors I wonder if this color is okay I was hoping you would ask me to draw I dont really want my photo taken I am happy with my butterfly Gioia encouraging a young artist Butterfly artists at work #5 Butterfly artists at work #4 Butterfly artists at work #3 Butterfly artists at work #2 Butterfly artists at work Butterfly artist with great smile Butterfly artist happy with his artwork Butterfly artist at work #2 Butterfly artist at work

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