Peace Fresno, Fresno Center for Nonviolence, Newman Center Peace and Social Justice Committee and Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Committee are looking at organizing an event on the International Day of Peace, Sunday, September 21. There are many things happening on that day.

1. Beginning of Campaign Nonviolence Action week
2. Launching of a new movement World Beyond War
3. People’s Climate March in New York City

The event will be held at the Saint Paul Newman Center. We would like to cover all three issues at this event; nonviolence, abolishing war and climate change. All of these issues are interconnected.

We would appreciate your group and church’s participation. A planning committee meeting will be held on Thursday, 8/28/14 at 3:30 pm at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence located at 1584 N. Van Ness Ave.  Hope you or a representative from your group can attend the meeting.

Dan Yaseen

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