On July 11, 2020 from 10-12noon – on the hottest day of the year – we held our 28th Anniversary event in my backyard, observing social distancing and all wearing masks. We had about 35 people but I’d like to thank a lot of people for help before and during the event – starting with Gerry Bill, who brought chairs, tables, canopies, donated for the day by friends and members of the both the Center and Dakota Eco-Garden.

Rita Bell successfully handled the M.C. roles, holding everything together, and Camille Russell helped me with pre-organizing the event. She even arrived, helping where she could with a very sore arm – she’d fallen the day before!

Others, like Teule Bell at the gate, Mike Rhodes, providing the microphone for us, Vanessa Russell (my granddaughter) working hard selling raffle tickets and Merlyn again helping where he could – all helped make the event the success it was.

Delicious appetizers were provided by Binh Nguyen of Tower Tea (to find him you’ll have to visit the Center as his restaurant is in the same building with the door on McKinley.
Our raffle, which included a bicycle, made a lot more than I thought it would, especially with just 35 people! Once again our 2020 Way of Peace awardees, pictured above, Rachel Bowman, Rev. Tim Kutzman of the Unitarian Universalist Church, Denise Rodgers-Heydt, D’Aungillique Jackson and Jason Slack, plus the Democratic Socialist of America. Peter Maiden took photos for us and some of these are below.

The event has been filmed for those unable to attend and can be seen at:



FCNV 28th Anniversary Way of Peace Awards